
Below is a list of some of the organizations that I have worked with in the past.


NKUST (National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology)

Seafood app

National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology seafood app images by Five Gills Design

KCMB (Marine Bureau Kaohsiung City Government)

Summer camp poster and coloring sheets

Marine Bureau Kaohsiung City Government sea turtle coloring sheets by Five Gills Design

TMEC (Taiwan Marine Education Center)

Fisheries board game

Taiwan Marine Education Center fisheries board game by Five Gills Design

NTU (National Taiwan University) Geo Paleo Lab

Lab logo and mascot, rock park map

National Taiwan University Geo Paleo Lab mascot by Five Gills Design

Citizen Scientist Fair

Taiwan shark sightings report

Citizen Scientist Fair Taiwan shark sightings report booth materials by Five Gills Design

Taiwanese Coral Reef Society

Coral fish coloring pages

Taiwanese Coral Reef Society coral fish coloring pages by Five Gills Design

TMEC (Taiwan Marine Education Center)

Say no to plastic campaign

Taiwan Marine Education Center say no to plastic campaign materials by Five Gills Design

Prussian Blue

Free diving fin graphic design

Prussian Blue free diving fin graphic design by Five Gills Design

TCAP (Taipei City Animal Protection Office)

Fin-free wedding campaign

Taipei City Animal Protection Office fin-free wedding cards and brochure by Five Gills Design

NMMBA (National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium)

Aquarium stickers

National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium stickers by Five Gills Design

The General Association of the Scouts of China (Taiwan)

Marine conservation outreach booth

The General Association of the Scouts of China shark species banner by Five Gills Design

Ocean Conservation Administration - Ocean Affairs Council

Conference visual design

Ocean Conservation Administration - Ocean Affairs Council conference visuals by Five Gills Design

Mandarin Daily News

Article illustration

Mandarin Daily News article with illustration by Five Gills Design

HKSF (Hong Kong Shark Foundation)

Shark fin soup infographic

Hong Kong Shark Foundation shark fin soup infographic by Five Gills Design

NEERC (Northern Environment Educational Research Center)

Sustainable seafood guide

Northern Environment Educational Research Center sustainable seafood outreach material by Five Gills Design

National Geographic

World Ocean Day Marathon - shark conservation content

National Geographic World Ocean Day Marathon - shark conservation video screenshot with art by Five Gills Design

MWSRP (Maldives Whale Shark Research Program)

Annual report infographics

Maldives Whale Shark Research Program infographic by Five Gills Design