
Below is a sample of some of my previous artwork.

Sea life that bite, sting, or are venomous
Fishes of the deep sea
Classification of sharks and rays
A picture of a moonfish
Species of whales and dolphins of Taiwan
A chart of the different species of sailfish in Taiwan
Different species of tunafish in Taiwan
A coloring page of fishes that are banned from fishing in Taiwan
A great white and his buddy the seal
A comparison of the different species of hammerheads
The logo for a paleo geo lab
A manta dressed as Santa Claus
A collection of different octopuses and squids
Logo for a shark conservation group Congratulafins
Japanese-style new year greeting card
A whale shark and a manta swimming in plastic
Different species of turtles
Shark comic
Different species of sunfish
A coloring page with marine puns for Valentine's Day
An epaulette shark, also known as a walking shark, walking in a winter wonderland
Sea life that sting
Pop science illustration about the cuttlefish marshmallow test
An illustration of a sea slug that can self-decapitate
An illustration of a sea slug that grows its own food
Year of the tiger Chinese paper cutting
A Chinese new year decoration piece featuring a manta and a shark